Chaplain Displays

Chaplain Displays

On this page are chaplain displays from museums and other places (in no particular order). This page does not include displays that fit specifically into another category, like “Chaplain Kits” or “Uniforms” which can be found on pages of their own; or of  whole museums dedicated to chaplain ministry, but include more general displays of chaplain equipment, uniforms, kits, etc., as a whole.


Big Red One Museum Chaplain Display

Chaplain display at the Big Red One Museum at Omaha Beach


Warhawk Air Museum Nampa ID

Chaplain Bowers display at the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa, ID.

Chaplain Bowers Display Warhawk Air Museum

Chaplain Bowers display at the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa, ID.


Chaplain Display at the National Army Museum in New Zealand.


Chaplain Smith Wyoming Veterans Museum

Chaplain Donald Smith Display at the Wyoming Veterans Museum

Chaplain Smith Wyoming Veterans Museum

Chaplain Donald Smith Display at the Wyoming Veterans Museum

Chaplain Smith Wyoming Veterans Museum

Chaplain Donald Smith Display at the Wyoming Veterans Museum


veterans museum of texas chaplain display

Chaplain Display at the Veterans Museum in Texas.


Chaplain display at the Main Post Chapel at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.


Scottish National War Museum Chaplain Display

Chaplain Display at the Scottish National War Museum.


Chaplain Display at the Museum of Army Chaplaincy at Amport House, Hampshire, England.


Royal Military Museum Brussels Chaplain Display

Chaplain Display at the Royal Military Museum in Brussels.

Royal Military Museum Brussels Chaplain Display

Chaplain Display at the Royal Military Museum in Brussels.


Display of WW1 French Chaplain


WW1 French Chaplain Display


Baugnez War Museum Chaplain Display

Wehrmacht Chaplain Display at the Baugnez War Museum, Baugnez/Malmédy, Belgium (photo by Valkyrja-Skuld, Deviant Art).
