Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee

Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee

This video series is inspired by Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. In Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit different military chapels, sit down with different chaplains and just have a conversation over coffee. This first video is a promotional video for the series:



Pilot Episode

The pilot episode was just a test of the series concept. In fact, there wasn’t even an actual guest but Daryl had coffee with -and interviewed- himself. In this fun episode, he talks about The Chaplain Kit website, his D.Min project, being passed over for promotion and other chaplain experiences.



Season 1, Episode 1: Chaplain Thomas Dyer

In this first official episode of Chaplains In Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit a World War 2-era chapel that has a high altar beautifully crafted by POWs housed at Fort Rucker, Alabama during the war, and talk to Chaplain Thomas Dyer who began his chaplain career as the first Buddhist chaplain in the Army, taking an interesting spiritual journey back to his Christian roots.



Season 1, Episode 2: Chaplain Thomas Solhjem

In this episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we hear from Chaplain (Major General) Thomas Solhjem, the Army’s Chief of Chaplains. While we were not able to sit down with him for coffee while he was at Fort Rucker recently, he spoke in several venues which provided many topics, including how UMTs have responded to COVID, his priorities for the Chaplain Corps, the Lines of Effort for Transformational Change, and some thoughts on prayer from his message at Fort Rucker’s National Prayer Breakfast.



Season 1, Episode 3: Chaplain Andriy Khomyn

In this episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit the Main Post Chapel at Fort Rucker and have a cup of coffee with Chaplain Andriy Khomyn. Father Eugene, as he is known, shares his journey from growing up in Soviet Ukraine to becoming a U.S. Army chaplain.



Season 1, Episode 4: Chaplain Estella Karr

In this episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit the Interfaith Chapel at Fort Benning and have a bottle of water (it was late in the day!) with Chaplain Estella Karr. Chaplain Karr shares her experience as a first-assignment Army chaplain, serving as a female chaplain, her journey into the chaplaincy and the story of how she was able to establish the Interfaith Chapel in the Maneuver Center of Excellence headquarters building.



Season 2, Episode 1: Chaplain Dawud Agbere

In this episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit the Main Post Chapel at Fort Benning and have a cup of coffee (and tea) with Chaplain (COL) Dawud Agbere. Chaplain Agbere talks about his journey to being an Army chaplain (through the Navy!), his experience visiting some of the Afghan refugees recently brought to the U.S. and his vision of excellence for the chaplains in his care.



Season 2, Episode 1: Chaplain Agbere UNCUT

In this UNCUT episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee, we visit the Main Post Chapel at Fort Benning and have a cup of coffee (and tea) with Chaplain (COL) Dawud Agbere. Chaplain Agbere not only talks about his journey to being an Army chaplain (through the Navy!), his experience visiting some of the Afghan refugees recently brought to the U.S. and his vision of excellence for the chaplains in his care, which he does in the edited-for-time version but this UNCUT episode also includes conversation about the “Senior Army Chaplain” system at Army Centers of Excellence, the use of the colonizing country’s language in contemporary African countries, Muslim chaplains in the Army and their career progression and potential, as well as behind-the-scenes and un-edited footage from the shooting of this episode of Chaplains in Chapels Drinking Coffee. This UNCUT episode includes twice the footage as the original edited episode.

In the future, UNCUT episodes (along with other premium content) will be available to TCK Members, whose membership contribution will help The Chaplain Kit to continue its mission to gather, preserve and share chaplain history. But for now, enjoy this UNCUT video without joining.

